the colorful small sea- anemone like polyps that beat in uniform according to the rhythm of the tropical oceanic waves beneath the crystal clear salt water of redang island had the entire group mesmerized. i had always longed for the breeze to touch my pinkish cheek. i could still feel the hot breeze slapping my face now. we were astonished that we could feast our epicanthic folded eyes with an island that is so unpolluted, untouched. all of us had wanted a cheap getaway from the stressful shithole in malacca. Small Calvin got a nice package from the matta fair which includes a 3D2N chalet accommodation, snorkeling and food for RM 300. we had decided to drive to marang jetti for we couldn't trust any of the bus drivers anymore. kf had borrowed a 6 seater toyota wald from sani (his 3rd sister's colleague). Sani was so nice to us that he actually took the trouble to send his car for a bubble wash and vacuum. i guess that he must have gotten his jaw dropped so badly till it touches the ground once we returned his car. it was filled with fine sand.

i had trespassed the magnificent laguna resort for i loved the swimming pool. the chlorinated water was warm. the scorching sun must have heated it up the whole day. otherwise, it would take 25 people to pee in the pool to have that awesome temperature. Silly kf was merely using his DSLR to capture me. i pitied him because he couldn't leave his camera by the poolside and jump in to enjoy the water. he had to stay some distance away from the pool for it might wet his lens. i was glad that nobody noticed that i had trespassed... it was written STRICTLY FOR LAGUNA GUESTS ONLY.... lol......all u need to do is.... walk in confidently :p
i had fallen in love with summer point. a group of singers sang so beautifully that we sat there for hours. kf had fallen asleep under the stars for 2 nights. he had always wanted to know what i did while he was in his dream land. i slept on the hammock, counting stars. i am loyal OK? stop having delusion of infidelity!! besides, it was too dark for me to check out on cute guys :p
all in all, i am tanned now. had been strolling along the shore with my bikini. owh.... back to shithole tomorrow :)
2 comments on "redang trip"
I saw the pictures. lovely! but no bikini pics? hehe. I hope to go to Redang someday.
for 3d under the hot sun, you don't really look that tan. I looked like a black woman eventhough I was under the hot sun for only a few hours in sentosa. urgghhh.
now... back to shithole.
i'll show you the bikini pics next time ok? it's still in cafu's comp.
ya... you get tanned very fast. remember your sarawak trip? :p
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