Olio was magnificent. He gave me the honour to order food for the night. i must have been so shallow for i couldn't comprehend most of the words printed in the menu. Well, since italians are famous for their pasta and pizza, i've decided to order both just to satisfy our taste buds. hmm, i ordered the zuppa funghi soup as appetizer. Had always wanted to know how different italian mushroom soups are from the others. owh......so dissapointed!! not much difference and that costs us RM 13.50

next, i've chosen pizza fruiti di mare. it comes with mozarella, seafood and tomato sauce. there goes my vow on dieting. wait... i don't remember tasting any seafood from that piece of bread now. did we just got conned again? He finished most of 12 inches pizza all by himself. i had one slice. Sabah calvin got two slices :p

how did i choose the pasta? i saw the famous spaghetti bolognese and i had tasted too many of them. cafu used to cook them almost every month. there was fettucine but i was never a fan of fettucine. so i go for the pasta with the longest name in the menu. Linguine Al Pesto Con Gamberoni (Linguine with Basil Pesto and Seared Prawns) . i don't even know how to pronounce this pasta correctly. i was merely pointing at the menu when the waiter took the orders. 'err... just give me one of this' :p Kf hated this pasta so much for it tasted like blended spinach. he was complaining that i had entirely forgotten that he hated spinach. haiz... but if you had looked clearly in the menu, they did not state anything about spinaches!!! it was really delicious although it looked so gross. yummy!!

he bought me a present from lovely lace which cost RM 70. i can now hang my collection of earings, bracelets, necklaces and watches on that bridal doll now. love it so much bau bei!!! thanks!

so, are we going to celebrate anniversary together next year? i hope you won't be too busy probing vaginas in the delivery suite until you totally forgotten bout me. there goes 7 years from the day i knew you in lower six science 3, st michaels ipoh. you were sitting behind me and i was the one who initiated the conversation for you were such a shy boy!! now, what happened to you? you go around disturbing other girls and all. aiks!! nvm...still love you. muacks!!
happy anniversary bue!!!!
10 comments on "our 7th anniversary"
7 years oredi cafu being a ATM... pity him...:P
ck tan....
that is part of his investment plan. soon, you'll become ATM machine for 7 years too :p
wahh wahhh wahhhhh....!
Congratulations wo.
and you thought it was a what again? a soft toy?? tsk tsk tskk
ya i thought it was a soft toy lar... show it to you when u come to my room ok? its so nice! :p
sure investment la..
she can't spend much of my money..
wait till she worked, then i will charge her including all the interest!
will totally suck u dry!!
the stupid pasta totally don worth the price!!
it taste awful!
your dress looks nice. :)
not going to work then :p
thanks for the compliment. i love white dresses :p
of course the dress is nice!
i bought it for u!
thanks a lot my ATM :p
i love my ATM so muchie... lol
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