he hid the present in his car, expecting me to notice it. but, i didn't. he gave it to me when we reached the hostel small gate. i was delighted once i saw the plastic bag. wow!!! its from young hearts!!! i knew what it was. it's the pinkish tweety bird bathing robe that i had set my eyes on during the weekends. 'thank you bau bei!!! ' and i gave a peck on his cheek.
Look!! its not easy for a guy to buy something from a lingerie shop. just imagine how many pair of eyes would be staring at him. i would do so to if i see a guy walking into a lingerie shop ALONE! he must be a transexual or some thailand ah kua to be close those lacy bras. i must praise KF for that courage! applause applause :p
4 comments on "lingerie shop"
i choose for him one .......... kekekekek
where's the big big bra that we bought for you in india? still wearing it? haha... better wear.. otherwise it will sag.. owh
what will sag???
owh... his boobies. where else the bra can support? interesting.. what eh?
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