a sense of monotonous melanchony was hovering us like dark heavy clouds which were about to pour. it all started when our lil feet inched nearer to the porch. there was BGH 4557, the car owner was using all his energy to carry his gf's luggages. oh my!! they are going home and here i was stranded for the long weekend in this so-called historical city. our gazes met instantaneously. the similar question seemed to struck our lil brains. so, what are we going to do to kill time? he was bad in planning an itinerary. he suggested to have a romantic dinner in THE ROCK JETTY and requested me to fit my lil feet into a pair of high heels. To our dismay, THE ROCK had closed down. thus, we had decided to satisfy our taste buds by trying thai food in THE KING AND I.

We ordered pandan chicken, asparagus with prawn and green curry chicken. The food was bad and we had decided to ban the place. the chicken was too fatty and the chicken skin was still stuck to that fleshy meat. yucks!! i wonder how some homosapiens favor chicken skin. i believe that they must have bad tastes. the asparagus was nice but the gravy was too sweet. hey! i don't want to die of complications of diabetes mellitus ok?!!
it was a fine saturday morning when i woke up. then, CLKW was busy dragging us along for a one day trip to KUALA LUMPUR. no matter how much i dreaded to visit low yat, i was reluctant to say 'NO' once i saw those desperado eyes of kf. CLKW was trying his best to manouerve his camry at the speed of 80 km/hour. mind you......... that's the speed that i used to drive in ipoh town. haiz..... most of the heavy trucks have to over take him. sad rite?
Plaza Low Yat!! you might suffer from bronchogenic carcinoma once you become a frequent visitor. all the men were busy puffing off their cigarettes as if it was fresh oxygen. gosh!! i joined a mysterious gift game in a canon shop. you just need to answer some questions to get a mysterious gift. well, the cute DJ was busy probing some answers from me while kf was merely fixing his gaze onto a canon DSLR camera. I was more interested with the DJ rather than the camera.. OOops... afterall, its just a gadget used to snap pictures .
DJ : are you guys married??
Princess : oh yes! we got married last year. wink wink
DJ : so, where did you guys go for honeymoon?
Princess : we went to hong kong last year for a 3days 2 night trip.
DJ : when is junior coming out??
Princess : oh... not so soon.
see.......... i am always good in telling lies and i got the gift. i was in awe when CLKW told me that the mic was loud. everybody was looking at me. Ok OK... i am blushing now but i had fun being an attention seeker for that momento. blek.
what have we bought in KL that day?
item 1 : a computer fan that cost RM224. it looked like a car engine to me. well, it was huge.
item 2 : a pair of shoes from crocs that cost him RM 139
item 3 : cheesy food in TGIF for RM 40
total : RM 403
after suffering from a severe state of ambivalence and obtaining approval from his elder siblings
item 1 : a DSLR canon camera EOS 450 D for RM 2699 and he gets a bag and a tripod for free
item 2 : a battery grip for his camera. Ok...you can insert 6 AA baterries into that sophisticated camera once u use this battery grip. well, the salesman was saying that the battery grip is suitable for those who go camping. duh.... obviously you can't charge ur camera in a jungle. there i was staring at kf's eyes again. he was again fixing his gaze to that battery grip. he was not blinking at all!!!!! but, how often he goes for camping? he was not even a scout! i bet he can't set up his own tent and light a fire. this is just being ridiculous again. OK OK... that grip cost another RM 399 (50% discount kononnya)
item 3 : a lens filter that is capable of filtering DUST!!! as if lar that camera has allergic rhinitis. that cost another RM 100
total : RM 3198
item 1 : a plate of mihun goreng that cost RM 6.50 in Low Yat
item 2 : a packet of famous amos that cost only RM 7.70
total : RM 14.20
so, who says that girls spend more huh? look at these lucky boys.
we saw Dr Shind and gigantic Dr CBH in KL. trust me, they don't look like docs at all. they were like uncles with big tummies if you had not known them. then, i came back to my senses. docs are human too. i believe that most of my XYs friends have big tummies now.

12 comments on "girls spend more??!!"
biar lambat asal selamat in driving...........
hey , at least this journey will add another chapter into your blog and ur diary of life , we all had so much fun yesterday , hope to have another wacky journey with u guys in another i hope.....=-) psss KF , is worth is or not the C..... kekekekekek
oh yeah u also forgotten to add firdaus into the list .... kekkeke
calvin lau:
ya i had fun. mihun and famous amos was nice :p
the steamboat with cafu's sisters was excellent. but nothing can beat my encounter with the DJ. oops..........
firdaus wants to keep his item as a secret. shhhh... not going to become CNN this time. lol
and u said i waste a lot ??!
didi :
its still wasting. the boys are wasting money. you are wasting both food and money. haha
but its crazy to spend so much. lol
wow, thankies i guess
that was meant to be a compliment right ?
i can beat them, in food and money
didi :
ya.. that's a compliment because the amount is still lesser compared to theirs.
since i have access to this blog, might as well i put a photo i took using my NEW camera!
and mind u, my first time using it!
anyway, look at the colour and contrast! its just SUPERB!
if a non-experienced photographer like me can use the camera until this extend, it just simply means that the camera potential is still an iceburg phenomenon!
anyway, will explore further and upload on this blog if there is still a debate!
also, seriously thanks to calvin.. otherwise i will be sitting in front of the comp and bid on some stupid camera! herm, how to say... its worth the money! but i am totally broke for few MONTHS!
edmond :
err... i think its better that u upload pic after i dress up. grr......
this friday!
i'll be waiting
lazylilprincess: How come you didn't use that excellent argument on camping and dust when he was staring unblinkingly at those items.. at least could've saved 500..
Ed: Nice meh? How excellent? So small pictures, how to see the beautiful lighting at night?
AL : he never listen to me whenever he's in low yat. i think you will have to pose non stop in genting this weekend. :) best of luck in posing.. haha
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