introducing my baby hamster .....

She's Gloria Lau and she's just 5 months old. Gloria stays in a habitual orangie cage in the living room of 3-8, Pangsapuri Seri Permata together with 3 rascals. Her papa is Kf Lau. The other 2 boys pay less attention to her as if Gloria was another insignificant bug like her lil owner. I bought Gloria from Perry in Jonker street. I had fallen in love with her once i saw her golden fur. She had a mate by the name of Moto Moto but that mammal ran away that awful night. We were still uncertain how moto moto could escape from his cage. I bet that he had became a sumptous dinner for the kitty cat downstairs. As if that was not enough, i was so dishearten to realize that Gloria had a maldeveloped hind leg. She was a three legged hamster. Kf had wanted to throw her away for she was not able to
exercise on the habitual spinning wheel. we had no hopes on her to give us babies too for she was a HKU ( Hamster Kurang Upaya ). I was determined to provide a home for that monoplegic HKU of mine.
thanks to the physiotherapy provided by the habitual spinning wheel. my baby gloria is able to use her maldeveloped hind leg. day by day passes by and she's capable of climbing up the connectors to the first floor of her mansion. then, kf lau decided to buy another male hamster from perry and we named him Melman Lau. Melman is not good looking at all. He looks like the normal kitchen rat that makes most mommies scream at home. he was dark and ugly.
Gloria and Melman had 5 children. Gloria had swallowed 3 of her babies. I don't know why do hamsters stepped on their own babies and then swallow them. To my horror, i had seen gloria chewing on her cyanosed baby. arghh...... This is extreme craziness! we seperated melman so that gloria could take care of the remaining babies. she was a good mother. she breast fed them and cuddle them to sleep.
kf sold the babies after one month for RM 20. we had used that money for a movie in MBO. I don't know whether Gloria is upset but she has turned psycho. we put melman in her mansion again, hoping that they will make more babies. Unfortunately, Gloria was having a severe psy problem. she started attacking melman just like somebody who is running amok. She had bitten melman incessantly right over his genitals. Gloria attacked no other areas except his genitals!!!! There are multiple haemorrhagic spots over his genitals now. Melman is deteriorating day by day. He's not feeding well and look emaciated. I think he's going to knock on heaven's door soon. sob.
Ck tan saw the similarities between Gloria and Girls. He was telling us that..... ' hamsters are just like girls. before marriage, they are so sweet. they become nasty after marriage'. I don't know how true is his theory but women tend to become irritable easily due to hormonal imbalance. I have learnt to stay away from a gf of mine whenever she has PMS. She's super nasty during those difficult moments. haha... i guess only kf know who is this nasty girl :)
4 comments on "baby gloria"
why do i feel like u were talking about me ??
that's delusion of reference :p
i have no idea who is that girl...
i mean if it isn't didi!!!
haha,,very funny la u two
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