strange things have been happening in the campus. you better believe it because it is really scary. it is indeed not surprising at all if you had wet your pants while you were there all alone by yourself. yes, i am refering to that particular lamp post which is situated in front of the garbage dump, at the far end of the staff's quarters. this tragic incident normally occurs between 1130pm to 12 midnight when it becomes spooky dark. Not many students will realise that this lamp post could be haunted. only those special kiasuness people who kill their time by becoming a bookworm in the library will have that sharp vision of an eagle's eye.
caption : this is the lamp post when nobody is around at 12 midnight. Look... it's dark. the bulb must have been burnt in the chronic process of providing endless electricity whenever the night creeps in.
mind you........... this is not the first night that this lil girl had experienced this strange experience. it had been there for the past one week. when she finally reaches her room at the top most floor of the girl's hostel, she noticed that there was another spot of dry blood right in front of her room. so, is the campus haunted? D says that there are no ghost. But i have seen 3. I think its time to go to the temple to get some talisman to stick in my room... arghh
11 comments on "believe it or not?"
dear annie....
the lamp post is movement-sensitive laa.. anyone jalan2 at nite (not necessaryly around 11-12 as u claimed) mesti dia on n off. supposedly the lamp should be ON only when it receives signal that sumone is moving around n stay ON for 10 seconds maybe, tp this lamp post nyer programmer salah wat circuit. it will stay on until sumone else lalu to signal it off. org lalu dia on, org lalu sekali lagi dia off. really... it does not fit the purpose.
the blood in front of her room? maybe kucing nk beranak kot haha ;p
n i wonder who that hardworking girl is ;p
p/s: dont look back!
intan : i tried to snap picture of the blood stain but the cleaner had washed it off. the kitty cat gave birth inside the hostel?? good imagination.. lol... but its better that those kitties gave birth rather than to shit outside the room. so stinky smelly. i've gotten some suggestion for that hardworking girl. syarhan says its didi. blek
u should try coming to my house , i can hear the sound of the burglar trying to barge into my house , now that's spooky !!!
calvin: you know what's the most spooky thing in your house? its the iguana that keeps hiding in gary's room :p when u wake up one morning, you'll realize that u are hugging an iguana instead of your bolster.. eeuukkksss
ghost in hostel... shhh.. dun tell the management, later they will ask the ghosts to pay rent also.. u know.. money making medical college...
yusoff : its good that they make the ghost pay the rent too. then we can reduce our hostel fees :)
didi? y didi?
haha pendek kot :)
didi better read this! :p
why am i the topic of discussion here?
hey perempuan, u aint any taller than me (i sound like a n****r)
and i said i dun believe in ghosts, but i believe in evil . and i know deep down inside we are capable of doing something we never thought we could do
ghosts, dun come and get me at night ookie
u better keep your lights on when u sleep tonight. the cheng meng festivals are just around the corner. the ghosts will be released from hell. good luck tonite :p chinese ghosts love to dress in red...
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