Pulau Manukan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here we come!!!!!!!!!

We saw how magnificent pulau manukan was in the tourism brochure. the sea water was clear. fishes darting in and out from the undersea coral gardens. i love beaches because it allows rays of sunlight to tanned me up.

I bought a sarong batik. It didn't look good on me because the bikini top didn't blend well with its bright yellowish paint.

the 30 minutes bumpy boat ride was the best. the thrill was equivalent to being strapped in a roller coaster. salted, warm sea water kept splashing on my cheeks. the wind was blowing so harshly that i couldn't keep my eyes open.

we were so disappointed once we stepped our feet into pulau manukan. the sea water was the most salty of all. i could not see the underwater creatures clearly for the water wasn't as clear as we thought it was. the fish were aggressive. they bit us and gave us red papules as souvenirs.

The sea walking adventure costs RM 150 per person. All you have to do is to sit on a scooter which looks more like a toilet bowl to me. The oxygen tank will be provided and the whole underwater adventure will be recorded. Thank God we didn't have enough money in our pockets. There is no point visiting the coral reefs and feasting our eyes on colourful fishes when the sea is so polluted!

all in all, we snapped quite a few photos as remembrance.

IF................................we had allowed calvin's advice to fall on our deaf ears, we would be spending the sunny day in sutera harbour. they have a private beach and it was so much cleaner. the swimming pool is the biggest that i have witnessed. owh...how disappointed.


I've made a promise to myself. the next time i visit Sabah bah, i will stay in sutera harbour for the whole day. so what if the hotel costs RM 800 plus per night? I fell in love with the swimming pool at first sight. lol

we had dinner with calvin's parents the very same day. the ocean restaurant serves the best seafood. we followed calvin's daddy to the vast aquariums where he chose the seafood. it was like selecting rare sea creatures in ocean park HK to feed the hungry, demanding tummy. the seafood was fresh and was super tasty that cafu had to change his plate for TEN times. i do pity the waitress. that dinner itself cost RM 1080 and it was the most expensive dinner that i had in 25 years!!! we had seven star fish, two king lobsters, abalone, clams, flower crabs, mantis prawn, sabah veg and lobster noodles.
special thanks to hamlau's parents!
wondering why calvin didn't follow us to manukan island? today is the DOB of his lancer evo 10. i can imagine andrew calling the car a cutie and how beautiful she is. But, it is just another car to me. Hehe...of course it can speed way faster than my cafu's altis. blek

2 comments on "sabah DAY 2"
mamutik is nicer compared to manukan.
lol....what to do? my tour guide, calvin lau didn't do a good job then :p
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