it was calvin lau who enlightened me on kissing under the mistletoe. we were both in india at that time. OK, i have never seen one mistletoe with him. so no kissing. wondering what is mistletoe?

mistletoe is a parasite associated with christmas holidays. you can see them on tall xmas trees. it has colorful berries that are poisonous. The mistletoe is still hung up in farm-houses and kitchens at Christmas, and the young men have the privilege of kissing the girls under it, plucking each time a berry from the bush. When the berries are all plucked the privilege ceases.

so couples kiss under the mistletoe one day and forgotten about it the next day (mind you... not the kiss but the mistletoe).
i was saying bon voyage to my close friend vny in msn this xmas afternoon when she asked me what is a mistletoe kiss (which i had left it as my personal status in the messenger)
vny : dear, what is mistletoe ?
princess : mistletoe is a plant which they put on top of the christmas tree
vny : then y kiss?
princes : when u see a mistletoe, you are supposed to kiss. it is a tradition
vny : is it? ok!! i learn new things
princess : u can try google image to see the mistletoe
vny : ok...later i will go find a xmas tree and look for mistletoe to kiss
princess : haha... u can buy mistletoe and put everywhere in your house. in your room, in your kitchen
vny : but not hygienic lorr....everybody kissing the same thing!! lolz
princess : no!! no!! you are supposed to kiss your partner.. not the plant
vny : lolz!! oh shit!! how stupid!
princess : haha.. damn funny. i am laughing non stop now. until my tears squeeze out jor...
vny : u say ma....see a mistletoe and u kiss. u din say kiss what or who also. so i tot kiss the leaf
princess : then i didn't say it clearly.. lol
vny : u humiliate me! how could you! i can't stop laughing di!
princess : ok rephrase... you are supposed to kiss your partner when you see a mistletoe
vny : don you dare go tell cafu. i know u will
princess : no point telling him.. later he goes and woo girls with mistletoe. plus he doesnt know what is mistletoe.. so not planning to tell him
vny : later you explain to him on mistletoe. you will tell him about this cos its super funny
princess : i can imagine u kissing the mistletoe now. and u climb the tall xmas tree to do so
vny : btw i'm not stopping u from telling ppl oso coz it's good to share something funny like this! luckily we talk about it here and make things clear. if not, imagine how ppl stare and got stunt when i kiss it in jusco!lolz
princess : lolz..funny leh.. at least i had a good laugh on christmas
vny : thanks to vny lor...
haha...thanks babe! i will remember your mistletoe story forever!!
2 comments on "kissing under the mistletoe"
babe, thanks for enlightening me on mistletoe kiss! i had a good laugh stupid rite!
btw, i was watcing 'Bones' now and they are talking about kissing under the mistletoe...ish >.< i had the laugh again! if i've watched this episode last nite, we wont get to have that good laugh...
gonna miss you loads! all the best in your induction and dont forget to keep me updated k! muackx
sure babe!!! i love ur mistletoe kiss too :p will update you on my whereabouts next week ok? take care
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