Ok... so what if saint valentine got beheaded with an axe or a sword? nobody is going to remember how he died. at least, i wouldn't. you can just call me evil... heartless.... I wouldn't want to think of a dead priest on these special day. i would rather think of how lovely and caring my prince charming is.... duh.....
now now.........what i did on the day when that pitiful priest got beheaded 1740 years ago? hmm, we had a lovey dinner in simply fish.. it was not that romantic that i thought it would be. there was no place in that restaurant. we had no choice but to sit OUTSIDE. i am spoilt. ya... i am always spoilt and i hated the idea of celebrating val's day without AC. at least... i get endless supply of AC in my hostel room. it was so hot that i drenched my nicest dress. oh gosh!!!!
10 comments on "with love your valentine"
u should seriously tell me beforehand that u can accept the final theory of urs!!
otherwise my wallet won't be bleeding and my head won't be rolling on the ground, getting kicked by passerby!
now i can only look on my account with a pale greenish face!!
and also to remind u, i might need to eat JIKI for the rest of the month!
i love your dress ^^
edmond : i hope u manage to get your head back before somebody squashed it. blek
didi : thanks for the compliment. it would be perfect if i am a bit taller. its too long for me.
hey hey, do remember WHO chose and bought u the dress!!!
edmond : so when are u going to get me another one? since everybody complimented on my dress.. haha... just a reminder.. there are sales this month :)
then remind me to go end of this month lo!
edmond : yeah so happy :p
since valentine day kf bought u a dress , why not u bring cafu to low yatt ?
humlae : low yat sucks badly! i don't understand how u can spend so much time and money there.. lol
From my point of view...photosr quite nice...Fuji camera in the house? =D KF, pls trust the expert =p
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