- i was a latecomer back in the convent. hence, i would be standing on the podium during the morning assemblies. i guess that i must have been an attention seeker those days for i love the other girls to stare at me.
- i would never wear my petticoat to school which was part of the dress code. the discipline teacher had once commented that my petticoat was too short. needless to say, i was angry at her.
- i had a boy-cut hair which was again wrong for a convent girl.
- i had never zip up my pinafore. i must have found it sexy.
- i would eat in class even though the teacher was busy babbling in front
- i was too lazy to carry my text books to school. my KH teacher was so mad at me that she punished me to wash the gardener's toilet.
- i was always seen in the cinema after school. i don't mind watching a movie twice as long as i don't have to go home early.
- i had once threatened a girl to settle our argument outside the school. i had a group of rebellious boys to fight for me. well... the girl got 'freak out' the next day when she got to know that i am involved with gangsters. she had to apologize to me.
- i had thrown a caterpillar on a girl's uniform. i found it funny when that pitiful caterpillar got stuck at her pinafore like a super glue. i did not give her a hand. i was merely laughing out loud when i saw how hopeless she was.
so, why did i apply to be part of the prefectarial board?
my prince charming told me to do so and i regretted.
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