Tuesday, December 30, 2014

day 6 of life

Posted by lazy lil princess at 4:14 PM

Arghhh..... today has been the worst day of my confinement period. My breasts were so engorged. It was so painful. I can't even sleep in left lateral position. It just hurt everywhere. I tried to use medela to pump the milk but it was so engorged until nothing is flowing out. It must have been extremely oedematous that the ducts were compressed.

Mom came for visiting today with kupo. As usual, she commented that i have not been pumping enough. Then, I scream the very moment she pinches my right areola. I donno why but I feel that she is not understanding enough. She kept commenting that my milk is so little. I cried after she left.

On the contrary, hubby has been very supportive. He bought me cold compress from manjaku mall. He said money doesn't matter. I cried to sleep. feeling depressed that i don't have enough milk for chipsmore. feeling scared that i will get fever when milk can't be expressed. I also cry because i felt touched with what cafu has done to support me. I just love you so much bao bei.

With the cold compress, the pain subsided. The confinement lady gave me some warm water to massage my breasts. Milk started flowing out again and phew............what a relief

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