it has been exactly 2 months since i stepped my lil feet into internal medicine. All the senior HOs gave bad remarks about this department. Obviously i was scared to be a medical HO. Did not apply for medicine as my 2nd posting but i guessed i was given medicine for some reasons. I don't believe in God but i should just clasped my hands and thank him for putting me in medicine. Otherwise, i won't get the chance to meet some of the nicest people on earth. most of them left and i am feeling a lil bit bored.
i guessed i have to learn how to be responsible for all the silly things that i had done. I posted a comment in facebook and my big boss got to know about it. I was merely dictating what she scolded me and for that, i am being punished. I tried to be strong but its not easy to be one. Promised myself that i will still stay cheerful in medicine but i failed. somebody once commented that i brought sunshine to the department. I wonder where the sunshine had gone.
now that i am being punished, i have to work extra hard
1) i have to do all the discharges on my own without help
2) i have to clerk all the cases that came into the ward on my own. nobody is supposed to even take blood for me. i can manage 9 cases in 4 hours. that is another record
3) i am not allowed to go to the clinic
4) i have to do morning rounds alone with my MO when all the other HOs were sent to the clinic. it was not a tough job cos i know all the cases in the ward.
5) whenever boss is on call, i have to be on call
6) whichever ward she is posted to next month, i have to follow her to her ward
7) all the simple procedures in the ward would be done by me
8) all the scans will have to be spoken by me to the radiologists
9) all the NIA forms is to be filled up by me
10) i have 9 on calls this month. the others got 6 calls to do
all in all, i guessed that i am doing one man show in the ward
i am taking this punishment as a challenge
will prove to her that i am capable although i am a slow learner
i shall survive
everybody is talking bout my facebook story in the entire hosp
i hope they will stop doing so
the other specialists can't stop laughing at me whenever they see me around
one of them wanted to refer me to psy
for goodness sick, i am not depressed yet
lesson of the day : miss annie is not going to be active in facebook for the next two months
2 comments on "where has the sunshine gone?"
What the eff happened wei?
U sound bad
yeah..........really bad
and i am not allowed to play fb anymore
until i finish medicine
feel like dying wei.... facebook is my life ok?
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