monday 2oth july
i was being lazy again. i was supposed to stay in muar surgical ward until 9pm but that devil had taken the lead in his squeky clean brainwashing. it was telling me to leave that stuffy ward ASAP and have a nice nap in my pinkish room. it was a horror to meet prof MV in the girl's hostel. kantoi!!! i'm so sorry grandpa MV. i know that you wanted to mould me into a good breast surgeon like you do but i am just so not into boobs. i prefer scrotal swellings. wicked smiletuesday 21st july
we had lunch in our favourite wan tan mee stall, discussing some evil plans. Since everybody had left muar, why should we stayed back and cover up their asses? we had decided to go to the surgical OPD, say hi to prof MV and make him noticed that only 4 of us stayed back. lol... what a brilliant idea! But, we are nice people. we are not going to drag our buddies to hell. Didi dumped us in Muar!!! finally! she revealed her true colors.
wednesday 22nd july
sweet calvin sent us to muar. it'll be my last muar trip in BJL 4688. that camry had served us well. it had faithfully brought us up the hill for that short dose of excitement in poker. now, it has reached the phrase of retirement. it is going back to its long lost island. 5 of us cramped into calvin's camry today. skinny leow, cafu, SK, Didi and me!!! my left gluteal fat was merely dangling in the air during that 45 minutes journey. thursday 23rd july
we had some photography session in muar hospital
bau bei and me
the girls who are staying in the 4th floor of girl's hostel
in cafu's altis
my lovely bau bei injected my 2nd dose of cervarix vaccine.... trust me.. it was less painful than the first dose.
7 comments on "last week of school"
woo hooo.... five years just flew by!
Let's cross this hurdle together-gether.
hel-lo, to my defense, you guys were planning to stay back until 5pm, i have this morning-class-only policy, i'd gone cuckoo if i stayed back the other day :p
my true color is every color you can imagine, pretty deep ek?
and i want all the pics ookie
ya five years... guess what? we were 20 years old 5 years ago.... lol
ok.. who's that crazy kiasu freak who told you that we would be staying until 5 pm? lol... don't tell me its cafu.. you'll have to get those pics from cafu OKie? he uploaded them for me...
i thought you wouldn't mind spending the whole afternoon admiring thinesh? or that guy who has something big in between his thighs? haha... anywayzz..there's thunderstorm now.. your prince is out there!! yippie :p
i am pretty sure it was cafu, haha
i think so, ey, dun quote me on this ookie :p
of course i dun mind sweetie, but sometimes i just cant stand anymore, sit also cant, walk also cant . but i can stare at thinesh for a very long time *muka gatal*, i dun care about hakim ookie :p
and i was wondering how come we didnt get the lightening here huh ?
i was waiting for my prince to no avail ookie
whatever, just admit it..
u are the type that will LEAVE UR FREN BEHIND!!!!!
edmond.. now i know why didi did not attend the morning class... lol. thank god grandpa mv kicked you out. othwerwise, you'll be bored. at least, he sent kanna to accompany you. lol
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