he was showing that very disgusted face today simply because a girl who's slow in catching up tries to blend into their clan. she was like a cocoon retreating into her own shell when IG described that ugly face to her. being slow, she's never reactive to her surroundings. this lil petite lady has never been good in reading facial expressions. she had always known who are her good weathered friends but she silently hoped that they will support her through the thick and thins, to hold her delicate hands and to survive the torrentious, crashing waves together. true to its contrary, life is never perfect and the fittest shall survive. no matter how hard she tried to improve her skills, she's still another hopeless alien, begging for an acceptance. she has been thrown with countless, constant smirks that stirred a portion of sadness within her. Another guy who thinks that he's the most superior among all and how different he is from the rest of us would just walked away whenever she's in his so-called territory. why would people deny the existence of this gullible girl who's trying to be nice to everybody?
she tried to correct some mistakes that this superior guy had made a couple of days ago, unfortunately it must have fallen onto deaf ears. well, his brain must have been a very amazing one for it could not accept facts from a lil girl who's never good. all in all... she may not be perfect, but she knows her stuffs well. she tried to be humble but she has learnt well now.
why waste time on selfish people who doesn't even bother whether you exist in the first place? why waste time on people who doesn't even want to share things with you? why waste time on people who doesn't even want to be friends with you?
birds of the same kind flock together..... i am not going to dream of being accepted into your selfish, evil group for i am special in my own ways.
-the end-