Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Posted by lazy lil princess at 1:14 AM
i am proud to be a female. why? simply because boys are just so ignorant. i guess they must be borned insensitive. well, they don't seemed to understand their own body although they have been having that same old body for 24 years. Dr K was asking us what is the first sign of puberty in boys. Ok that was the question shoved to us two years ago in that stuffy breast feeding room in muar hospital. hmm... there we had different answers from those XYs. some said its the change of their melodious voices into deeper, horrible voices that sounded more like a frog!! one of them said it was the increase in the muscle bulk. there were a variety of wrong answers - sudden spurt in the height, getting more bushy hairs, hair start to grow in secluded areas, etc. sad to say none of the boys knew their first sign of puberty. but when the question was changed to the first sign of puberty in females, all of them uttered the same answer. 'its the development of the breast buds'. huhu.... look at how much attention they had on the magnificant hour glass female body. their first sign is the enlargement of the testicles. then, all of them were flabbergasted. one of them said..come on... how would we know when we don't examine them everyday? lol

we were in the nursery this morning. Dr G was asking skinny which testis is lower... the left or the right one. he was having severe thought block instantaneously, thinking hard. i bet he was visualising his organs to get the answer. i blurted out that the left testis is lower than the right one. Dr G was laughing. in fact all of us were laughing when Dr G said ...'how come a girl knows better although she doesn't have a testis?' See..... boys are just ignorant. don't expect them to understand the sophisticated female mind. they won't be able to do that. the higher hopes you have on them, the more broken is that fragile heart. blek

5 comments on "ignorance"

the girl who hates strawberries on April 8, 2009 at 8:51 PM said...

how come the left one is lower than the right one ??
*this is a real question*

and how come u know about it ??
*this is a rhetorical question*

lazy lil princess on April 8, 2009 at 11:40 PM said...

i do not know why the left one hangs lower than the right one anatomically. But i know why it has to be lower physiologically. cos it allows them to fit nicely btw his legs when he tries to close his thighs. otherwise, they would get crushed against each other if they were at the same level. haha..then most of them will be infertile by 20 years old??

the answer to the 2nd question... well, i wanted to tell u bout it but then since its a rhetorical question..... i'll keep it to myself jer.

yenyen said...

coz the left one is heavier plus most of the ladies are right-handed^^ hehe

lazy lil princess on April 10, 2009 at 2:27 AM said...

haha... nice one. never thought of it. lol

usesoap on April 11, 2009 at 6:54 PM said...

i second yenyen...


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