Thursday, May 28, 2015

Posted by lazy lil princess at 9:20 PM 0 comments
5 months old

I am going to work next month. But daryl refuses bottle feed. He cries so badly when we attempted bottle feeding. I wonder whether it was the fishy smell of lipase that he dislikes from the frozen milk. He still prefers to latch from my nen nen.  At times, he had bounced out from the bouncing net when MIL bottle feed him. sometimes, he just spit the milk out and rather go on a hunger strike. I had try to change to a bigger avent teat. but it is to no avail. I have kept about 70 milk bottles in the deep freezer for him. I hope he will not waste them. Afterall, it is mummy's hard work.

He can now flip from his back to lie on his tummy. Daryl cries for help when he can't roll backwards. He can now suck his fingers and i believe he is an extremely talkative boy. I have started showing him flash cards and reading him bedtime stories. I wonder how much he understands but i just want his brain cells to be stimulated.

I brought him to the hospital 2 days ago to see Dr Tang. he had this very bad eczema on his right cheek which doesn't resolve with HCT. I was a bit worried that he has tinea incognito as there is areas of central clearing with a very active margins. Thank god scapping were negative for tinea. Dr Tang upgraded his steroid to emulate and it shows some tremendous improvement. Dr T asked me what is my plan. I told him that i am planning to extend my leave as nobody can take care of daryl. Meh meh decided not to take care of him due to back pain and leg pain. MIL has a business to handle. Daryl has stranger anxiety too. He goes berserk when meh meh carries him. Dr T seems to be very understanding. He told me to take my time. 

Mom suggested juli to take care of daryl but i don't feel good about it. Probably i am over protective towards my son. I really want to go to work but hubby said i cannot handle baby, work and exam at the same time

so daryl, mummy is going to extend her leaves for another 3 months just to take care of you. I am worried that you will be very cranky as you are already teething. Going to start you on solids next month. mummy is getting excited


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