to those new MOs, please be reminded that you were once a house officer!!!!!!
i have heard plenty of stories about new MOs. Most of them are so arrogant and it is never easy to approach them.
there is a young nulliparous lady who collapsed in the ward today. Ooi and me attended the patient stat. we ordered the vital signs to be taken stat. Noted that BP was lowish. it was 82/52mmHg and upon examination patient was cold + clammy. patient is not hypertensive nor she has any preexisting heart problems. I ordered the diligent nurse to run 1 pint HM fast to push up the BP. Patient soon regain conciousness. I told Ooi to call MO stat because patient collapsed in the ward ( as every case in O&G has to be discussed with MO). While waiting for the MO, i set another large bore brannula. It was not easy. all the veins were collapsed.
so, there comes the new MO and the first thing she asked both of us was............' annie, ooi... u orang dah poster ke berapa? ' we told her that we were both 4th posters. There came the bomb from her. ' u know patient collapsed rite? why can't both of u call a 6th poster to attend the patient '..................i got irritated. so, a 4th poster should not resuscitate a patient? we tried our best to stabilize the patient, did all we could...........and yet this is what she told us. i guessed only 6th poster got the brains to resuscitate patients. all the 4th posters should just be the clerks! both of us may not be the best HO but at least we did something. we did not leave the patient alone. is it wrong again?
i just don't understand why would new MOs be so biatchy and arrogant. whenever i inform a non reactive CTG to biatchy Dr M, she will say ' nanti aku mai lar.... u nak aku buat apa??' how could a MO take things so easily. O&G is about saving 2 lifes. irresponsible MOs should never take up O&G
i used to respect MOs for their knowledge, for the responsibilities...... but now, i am so sorry to say that i look down on them. stop complaining about HO. You were once a HO. No doubt that we will do mistakes. If we do, teach us. Don't complain...... so if MO does a mistake, is it acceptable?