well, this must be the craziest thing to do on a sunday evening. here i am.....stranded in uncle john kopitiam alone, shoving down a big basket full of my favourite french fries while waiting for cafu to do his facial wash 2 streets away from this kopitiam. 4 youngsters are sitting next to this sticky marble table that i am currently putting my lappie on. they must be some kiasu JPA freaks because they keep babbling about diplomas...how smart one of the girls are because she gets to jump three grades and she was only 15 when she did her form 6.. well, they have nothing better to do than to compare how smart their brain works. duh!!! i guess that they must be my juniors too because they were discussing about some arterial supply. whatever..... i just find them boring!!
my phone beeps and sweet sk sent me another horrible sms that had indirectly spoilt my sunday. 'guys we have a problem. college wants to move our unis forward. emergency meeting monday 6 pm at sports complex 1st floor. we'll take care of night postings! '
my eyes went popping out. sk told me that they are going to bring forward our unis because mr pathetic R*Z*K couldn't get enough patients for our long case as it was that boring puasa month again. look!!! to fast is a beautiful thing to do. my religion taught me to fast on certain festivals too. i guess people who fast still goes to work. it is yet another monotonous day of the year where people get to eat only at different timings. we had our competency exam last year during the puasa month too. how did he manage to get patients for us last year but not this time? he suggested to bring our unis forward by one week. oh my god!! we can do a lot more in one weeks time. this is just so crazy!!

come on..........indian and chinese patients never fast. malay patients don't have to fast whenever they are sick. plus, we are feeding them money to come for our exam. look!!! who's the lazy one now? I HATE YOU R*Z*K!!!!! DON"T MESS UP WITH MY LIFE!!! YOU ARE THE GREATEST LIAR!!! I AM TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR LIES!!! if Dr MM were to say that our mouths are full of shit and nothing comes out from our mouths but shit.......... i think yours is even more stinky that ours. go grab a tube of colgate from tesco and scrub those pearls inside real hard!!