it was that particular time of the month again. well, i am not referring to those difficult moments of having dysmenorrhoea and how kotexes come to my rescue. it was about my 5 minutes encounter with Dr C, the gigantic chinaman who wears a bowtie 24/7. sometimes, my lil brain keeps me wondering whether he feels suffocated with a tie around his neck ( which i supposed should be a large one too ). i was startled once i saw those vesicles which was firmly nestled over the right T4 dermatome of the patient. i was then in the state of severe thought block, aphasia and verbal constipation. i could sensed that my lil feet became heavier as if they were stuck to the ground with strong elephant glue. somehow, i knew that it was dooms day for me.
i failed to look for old chicken pox scars although he gave me some clues. then, there i was trying my best to visualize those scars on the posterior aspect of D's thigh. arghh... i should have thought of her cursing those scars which had now made her thigh sexier......... Dr C wanted us to look for signs of immunocompromised like IVDU marks, oral candidiasis, DM, and the side effects of steroid.. he would be impressed if one of us had spend some time counting the patient's toes!!!! who would thought of counting somebody's toes at that short period of time... He suggested that we could either jump down from 3-3 ward or perhaps create an intraabdominal injury by using a stick. it was not that easy to digest words like....'come on... even my grandmother can diagnose this condition / are u going to stand there and stare at the patient?? ' duh..... all in all, i was dead by the end of this EPT just like what Dr A told us... ' sudah dibunuh'
hmm...... it was not that bad afterall. at least, i learnt about varicella zoster and how gabapentin can be used to treat post herpetic neuralgia. let's hope nobody had chicken pox for CNY. Dr C is looking forward for that free gift. he's just mean... arghh
i failed to look for old chicken pox scars although he gave me some clues. then, there i was trying my best to visualize those scars on the posterior aspect of D's thigh. arghh... i should have thought of her cursing those scars which had now made her thigh sexier......... Dr C wanted us to look for signs of immunocompromised like IVDU marks, oral candidiasis, DM, and the side effects of steroid.. he would be impressed if one of us had spend some time counting the patient's toes!!!! who would thought of counting somebody's toes at that short period of time... He suggested that we could either jump down from 3-3 ward or perhaps create an intraabdominal injury by using a stick. it was not that easy to digest words like....'come on... even my grandmother can diagnose this condition / are u going to stand there and stare at the patient?? ' duh..... all in all, i was dead by the end of this EPT just like what Dr A told us... ' sudah dibunuh'
hmm...... it was not that bad afterall. at least, i learnt about varicella zoster and how gabapentin can be used to treat post herpetic neuralgia. let's hope nobody had chicken pox for CNY. Dr C is looking forward for that free gift. he's just mean... arghh
2 comments on "5 minutes of survival"
i failed to look for old chicken pox scars although he gave me some clues. then, there i was trying my best to visualize those scars on the posterior aspect of D's thigh. arghh... i should have thought of her cursing those scars which had now made her thigh sexier.......
told u so ^^
ignore him la wei, he just loves being an arse
was a bit disappointed on my EPT. but then...i knew he did it on purpose... will study hard.. lol... you too babe! still got time to improve :)
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